The purpose of this project was to replace the Route 3007 (Fayette Street) bridge over I-70 in North Belle Vernon Borough, Westmoreland County due to structural deficiencies, and to rehabilitate and raise the Route 201 (Rostraver Road) bridge over I-70 to improve vertical clearance and accommodate future widening of I-70. The Route 3007 (Fayette Street) bridge construction was completed in October 2022, and no additional work is scheduled at that location.
As part of the replacement of the Fayette Street Bridge over I-70, improvements include the Route 3007 approach roadway drainage upgrades, signing and pavement markings, and guide rail.
Bridge preservation activities and raising the existing Route 201 (Rostraver Road) structure approximately eight inches over I-70 remain a priority. Work included replacing the bridge approach slabs, reconstructing the roadway, replacing the concrete curb, and updating the signing and pavement marking, guide rail and other miscellaneous construction.
A virtual public meeting was held June 15, 2021 and February 18, 2022 to update the public on the project schedule and traffic control measures. The February 2022 presentation is available for public review. Click the image below to view the presentation.